what are the raw materials for electric arc furnace smelting? -ag电子游戏

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what are the raw materials for electric arc furnace smelting?

updated: 2022-04-28 attention:

as we all know, the main raw material of eaf steelmaking is scrap steel, but at present, scrap steel resources are relatively scarce, which has hindered the development of eaf steelmaking. in order to solve this problem, we must find substitutes for eaf steelmaking raw materials. at present, the main substitutes that can replace eaf steelmaking are molten iron, decarburized granular iron, iron carbide, composite metal, etc. today, we will learn more about this molten iron:

if molten iron is used in eaf steelmaking, it has many advantages. see the following for details:

1. for non flat bath smelting furnace, the power supply can be optimized, the molten pool can be formed in advance, the time of high-power power supply can be increased and the smelting cycle can be shortened;

2. increase physical heat and chemical heat to improve thermal efficiency;

3. it can dilute the content of harmful metal impurities in molten steel.

of course, the more iron is added, the better. it is more appropriate to control the ratio of molten iron at 30% - 50%. when the oxygen supply intensity is low, the better molten iron ratio is about 30%; when the oxygen supply intensity is high, the ratio of molten iron can reach 50%. quantum electric arc furnace developed by german prite company proposes that scrap steel should be used at least 50% in order to obtain good preheating benefits. the electric arc furnace has lost its superiority in sustainable development due to the converter smelting mode of all iron hydropower furnace.

well, the above is the main analysis of electric arc furnace smelting raw materials. for more information about electric arc furnace, please log in to our official website: http://www.ayynd.com/

