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new energy-saving twelve-pulse series rectifier (parallel inverter)

1. this energy-saving power supply consists of two groups of three-phase fully-controlled rectifier bridge phases connected in series to form a 12-pulse converter to supply power to the parallel inverter, which greatly improves the power factor (more than 92%)2. the incoming line voltage of this energy-saving power supply is 380v to obtain a dc voltage of 1000v, and the incoming line voltage of 500v can meet the power supply requirements of a high-power 20,000kv device.3. this energy-saving power supply greatly reduces the harmonics of the power grid, and the average power factor is high, which greatly reduces the capacity of the reactive power compensation device and can save the reactive power compensation device.4. the dc component current of the energy-saving power supply flowing through the winding resistance of the rectifier transformer is almost zero, which greatly improves the utilization rate of the rectifier transformer, which can reduce the capacity of the power supply transformer and reduce the cost.5. in this energy-saving power supply, the two sets of power supplies have the same current, which is not only easy to debug, but also can reduce the active power loss of the dc filter reactor and improve the efficiency.6. energy-saving calculation: take 10t furnace 6000kw as an exampletwo-shift work for 14 hours, daily electricity consumption q=6000×2×7=84000 degrees;the annual electricity consumption is calculated as 9% energy saving,the annual electricity saving is 2721600 kwh, and the annual electricity saving is 2721600×0.40 yuan/kwh = 1.09 million yuan.the 12-pulse rectifier of the two-bridge phase series structure is shown in the figure:twelve-pulse rectifier series technical parameter tablerated capacityrated powertransformer capacityinput powerfrequencymelting rateelectric steel0.5400400380 38010000.66600.75500630380 38010000.7564018001000380 3805001.056201.512501600380 3805001.85600216002000380 3805002.25590325002500460 4605003.15570

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address:northwest corner of the intersection of angang avenue and huaxiang road, anyang city, henan province
detail intruduction

1. this energy-saving power supply consists of two groups of three-phase fully-controlled rectifier bridge phases connected in series to form a 12-pulse converter to supply power to the parallel inverter, which greatly improves the power factor (more than 92%)

2. the incoming line voltage of this energy-saving power supply is 380v to obtain a dc voltage of 1000v, and the incoming line voltage of 500v can meet the power supply requirements of a high-power 20,000kv device.

3. this energy-saving power supply greatly reduces the harmonics of the power grid, and the average power factor is high, which greatly reduces the capacity of the reactive power compensation device and can save the reactive power compensation device.

4. the dc component current of the energy-saving power supply flowing through the winding resistance of the rectifier transformer is almost zero, which greatly improves the utilization rate of the rectifier transformer, which can reduce the capacity of the power supply transformer and reduce the cost.

5. in this energy-saving power supply, the two sets of power supplies have the same current, which is not only easy to debug, but also can reduce the active power loss of the dc filter reactor and improve the efficiency.

6. energy-saving calculation: take 10t furnace 6000kw as an example

two-shift work for 14 hours, daily electricity consumption q=6000×2×7=84000 degrees;

the annual electricity consumption is calculated as 9% energy saving,

the annual electricity saving is 2721600 kwh, and the annual electricity saving is 2721600×0.40 yuan/kwh = 1.09 million yuan.

the 12-pulse rectifier of the two-bridge phase series structure is shown in the figure:

twelve-pulse rectifier series technical parameter table

rated capacityrated powertransformer capacityinput powerfrequencymelting rateelectric steel
0.5400400380 38010000.6660
0.75500630380 38010000.75640
18001000380 3805001.05620
1.512501600380 3805001.85600
216002000380 3805002.25590
325002500460 4605003.15570

